
Monday, September 6, 2010

Beautiful vases from the Netherlands

I'm going to tell you now, I don't see myself doing many craft "how-to"s for you, my lovely blog readers. I'm a really frustrating teacher because so much of what I do that's crafty is in an "I'll figure it out as I go" kind of style. I come by this flaw genetically.

Here is a classic conversation between my mother and me regarding how to cook a beef roast, screenplay style:
Margot: Okay mom, I'm going to try cooking a roast and I have a roast on the counter. What do I do with it now?
Mom: It's easy! Just stick it in the oven!
Margot: Well, at what temperature? What do I stick it in? Something with big sides or little sides?
Mom, audibly distracted by "What Not To Wear" on HGtv: Oh, the usual temperature.
Margot, hanging on to my patience with white knuckles: What temperature is that?? 350?? 400???"
Mom: Sure, that's good. Just put it in a roast pan.
Margot: Okay, then. How long do I cook it?
Mom: Until it's done!
Margot, with loud teenage sigh of frustration: How long is THAT? 1/2 an hour? 2 hours?
Mom: Heaven's no! Somewhere between that.
Margot, with defeat: Okay...when do I put the potatoes and carrots and stuff in it?
Mom: Whenever you want.
Margot exits to call sister and rant.

While I am not THAT BAD (and let me add that I love my mother dearly), I still have a little of that in me. If it wiggles wrong, I tape it. If it looks weird, I cover that part up with something else. You get the idea. It's just better that I let other crafty teachers do their thing. And there are so many amazing crafters around the world! I went to a blog today called kickcanconkers, recommended by my french/living-in-Munich sister-in-law Charlotte and saw this amazing thing:

Decoupage vases! And these aren't your usual tea-stained masking tape wonders of the 1970's folks. Look how beautifully she uses colors and collage on the white background. Ug! I love it so much! The blog where the tutorial resides is called All The Luck In The World and the artist is from the Netherlands with an etsy shop link here.

Here are beautiful pictures of the vases in their natural habitat. ;o)

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love this!

    Just stopping in from our Blogging ecourse and wanted to say hi. Thanks for sharing the link to the tutorial. I've got to check it out!
