
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Yarn Wrapped Wreath for autumn

Since one of my goals this year was to do more crafts, I was excited to find some time to do this one over Labor Day Weekend. I've seen similar wreaths on etsy and have been intrigued for some time. Before I show you my "mah-stuhpiece", here are some really charming ones from etsy stores KnockKnocking, CraftyJennyLynne, and ItzFitz. I am very lucky to have a mother who finishes needlepointed pillows from Ehrman Someone on a bi-yearly basis. This means (after what, 20 years plus of needlepointing?) that she has lots of beautifully dyed yarn just sitting in a large clear bin in her attic.
An unexpected fall combination of caramel and rose colors paired with some sweet birds, from KnockKnocking
Love the retro fawn and the lightbulbs! from CraftyJennyLynne
A fun halloween themed wreath from ItzFitz
Once inspired, I paid that bin a little visit and came home with some beautiful earthy colors for my wreath. I just painted my house a beautiful earthy stone gray with terra cotta trim and a beautiful twig green door so I was going for colors that would stand out and enhance what we already had going on. Really, I was thinking lichens in the forest and fall leaves. I don't know the "proper" procedure for this craft but my method was to take a styrofoam wreath shape, wrap some scraps of quilt batting around the form to make the shape softer and rounder. Then I picked my yarn and started wrapping. It took about 2 hours or, one episode of PBS Mystery! I added some felt flower shapes and vintage sequins that I had taking up space in the "Things That Bedazzle" drawer in my studio. Et voila! My fall wreath was finished. I quite like how it turned out! (sorry about the street reflections--couldn't be helped!)


  1. Love it Margot! I am inspired now too. especially as a way to do something with all the "adorable random things" in my can't-bear-to-part-with-but-has-no-purpose drawer:)

  2. That's a great drawer to have, though! Thanks for sharing and I'm glad you were inspired too!

  3. Thanks for including my little fawn wreath in your blog!! I have always loved collecting random yarns, and vintage toys, and love finally putting them to use in these wreaths!!! Take care:)

  4. mmmmmm....! as a former knitter and weaver, I find these incredibly appealing!
