Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How do you request "no gifts" at your party?

Having a party and you don't want your guests to bring gifts? People ask me often how to word this on their invitation so I thought I'd compile a few ideas for you. Keep in mind that some people will bring gifts anyway, and they should be received with gratitude and grace, of course! Remember to put those gifts out of plain sight so that those who honored your request don't feel put out. It is also a good idea to have a basket available to collect cards from your well-wishers.

"No gifts, please."
"No gifts, thank you." (someone thought that sounded more polite...)
"Your presence is your present. No gifts, please"
"Your presence is our greatest gift. None other is needed!"
"You have been the greatest gift in our lives. This is our moment to thank you, so we ask that you not bring any gifts."
"{name} requests no gifts, please"
"The honor of your presence is all {name} would love. No gifts, please"
"We have been blessed with your friendship and so much more. To share our blessings, we will be collecting {toys, winter clothes etc} for the {local charity} in lieu of personal gifts."
"In lieu of gifts, {name} requests that you make a donation to the charity of your choice."
"We have everything we need and more! Since {name} is passionate about {dogs, children etc}, we are collecting {food, money etc) to donate to our {favorite charity}. Thank you so much!"

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate this post. I'm going through invitation writing right now for my son's joint 6th Birthday with another classmate. I had also thought of:

    "In lieu of gifts, we will be glad to collect your hand made cards and will be making a memory book for each Birthday Boy."


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